Event Site : Inter-Noise 2023 Makuhari

こちらはInter-Noise 2023 幕張用の特設ページです。

Welcome to Ono Sokki & Sound One !!

About Ono Sokki

Our products, reputed to be "World First" or "Industrial Standard" in various fields, reflect our constant pursuit of original technologies.
Under this motto of "Change & Challenge for Solving the World's Toughest Problems",
we aim to build a network-oriented company supported by human resources backed by high technologies.
-Our Corporate Website is Here

About Sound One

Sound One is a subsidiary of Ono Sokki established in 2022.
We provide a web application "Sound One" that allows anyone to evaluate sound online.
-Our Corporate Website is Here

Let's try the “Audio Test”!

With Sound One, anyone can easily conduct a simple listening experiment called "Audio Test.“
On this site, you can answer the Audio Test related to InterNoise2023.

Makuhari Sound Map

This section describes an audio test using the sounds used in the Makuhari Sound Map.
It uses sounds related to cities, facilities, and traditional culture around Makuhari.
*Makuhari Sound Map was produced by INCE-JAPAN. (Supported by Rion Corporation and Ono Sokki/Sound One)
*Some sounds used in Audio Test are different from those used in Makuhari Sound Map.
We would like to study the difference in the evaluation of the Makuhari Sound Map
between international and Japanese participants.
We look forward to your participation!
Since this test is only available in Japanese, an English translation is provided below on this page.
You can try the same test at the Ono Sokki exhibition booth.
Some features are currently only available in Japanese.
Also, access to Sound One is only allowed in Japan at the moment, but we will release a full English version in 2024.

Click Here !!

Makuhari Sound Map Audio Test for Non-Japanese (Evaluation Term : English)

Makuhari Sound Map Audio Test for Japanese (Evaluation Term : Japanese)


How to answer the Audio Test

If you have any questions, please visit the Ono Sokki booth.
You can answer the same Test there.

01. Enter the Audio Test

02. Gender Selection

03. Age Selection

04. Cookie Consent

05. Welcome to the Audio Test

06. Description of the Audio Test

07. Trial Test : Answer Practice

08. Answer the Audio Test

In this test, we will share the sound source information in advance.
Please answer the test while browsing the following site.

09. Send message to experimenter


Thank you for answering the Audio Test!

Sounds for Makuhari Sound Map Audio Test2023/8/3 18:322024/3/1 17:35